


Invisalign, a revolutionary approach to orthodontics, offers a virtually invisible method to straighten your teeth without the restrictions and discomfort associated with traditional braces. Utilizing a series of custom-made, clear aligners, Invisalign gently and gradually shifts your teeth into their desired position. This innovative system provides an effective solution for a wide range of dental and orthodontic issues, including crowded teeth, overbite, underbite, crossbite, and gaps between teeth. Ideal for both teens and adults, Invisalign aligners are removable, allowing you to eat, drink, brush, and floss normally. Experience the freedom of a beautiful, healthy smile with Invisalign – the clear alternative to braces.

Invisalign is an alternative to wire braces that uses transparent, aligners to adjust teeth. Align Technology, (a multinational medical device company headquartered in San Jose, California) is the manufacturing
company for the Invisalign clear aligners. Nagpur Dentist clinic is the top Invisalign
provider in Nagpur.

Why Invisalign

Invisalign is the most technologically advanced system for aligning the teeth.

Removable – so one can enjoy food and drinks of their choice.

Clear – one can flaunt their smile.

Comfortable – Invisalign is super smooth with superb finish makes it the most comfortable system.


Why Invisalign at Nagpur Dentist – the Best Invisalign provider

Dr Manish Thadani (M.D.S. – Orthodontics) having more than 17 years of specialty practice in orthodontics with main focus on invisible orthodontic treatment, the Invisalign treatment in Nagpur. The dental clinic for Invisalign is equip with 3Shape Trios 3 Intra Oral scanner certified by Align technologies for accepting scan for Invisalign cases. With best armamentarium for showing simulation and clincheck(Invisalign planning software) modification capabilities make Dr Manish Thadani top Invisalign provider doctor in Nagpur. It works for all age groups from teen to adult with types of treatment functionalities.

Invisalign Process

1. Consultation for Invisalign:

Invisalign doctor will evaluate the case thoroughly, by taking proper case history.

2. Diagnostic records

Preoperative photographs

lateral cephalogram

OPG x rays adviced . 3D scan of upper and lower jaw is essential requirements. Records are

submitted to Align Technology for further process.

3. Clincheck evaluation and final treatment outcome discussion

Preliminary 3D clincheck evaluation done and discussed with patient also.

Once Orthodontist and patient are in agreement with the digital treatment outcome, case is approved & sent to Align Technology for fabrication.

4. Treatment approval and financial discussion

How Invisalign Works

Get your smile assessment

Smile view: Scan the QR code or click on the link given below to see you perfect future smile before starting the treatment. The Align Technologies is utilizing AI based software to generate customized future smile of the patient scanning their smile.

Candidates for Invisalign

  • Teen Invisalign
  • Invisalign for adults
  • Kids – Invisalign First

Invisalign Cost

It’s the only factor it is near to traditional braces treatment. Rest all factors makes the Invisalign an awesome experience for smile makeover. Invisalign is different from rest of the treatment modalities.
The exact cost of your Invisalign treatment is determine by:

  • The complexity of your case
  • How long you are in treatment
  • The Invisalign provider you choose for treatment

FAQ – Invisalign

How Invisalign is different from other clear aligner systems?

Invisalign clear aligners are made up of flexible plastics, made using patented smart track materials developed by Align Technology specially for Invisalign treatment.

Can any dentist or orthodontist treat cases with Invisalign?

Align technology conducts specially certification programs for orthodontist in India & only certified orthodontist can be Invisalign providers. (Orthodontist – dentist with a speciality degree in Orthodontics and Dentofacial orthopedics, trained for 3 years for treating cases with braces).

What to expect at Orthodontic Office for Invisalign Consultation?

A thorough analysis of the case, proper explanation of the treatment process, 3 D scanning and instant treatment simulation with smile view simulation (one can see future smile immediately with the help of AI powered mobile apps).

How much time takes to start treatment once patient gives approval for the treatment?

It should take 10-20 days for the treatment to get started. At Nagpur Dentist clinic, we have in house 3 D intra oral scanner approved by align to accepts cases for Invisalign. It makes a one the fastest Invisalign provider in Nagpur and Adjacent areas.

How often one needs to change Invisalign aligners?

It all depends upon the case requirement. Usually 7 days,10 days or 15 days protocol is followed.

How much is the treatment time required with Invisalign?

Treatment time is usually depending on the complexity of the case. Invisalign treatment is divided into 3 types depending on severity of the case mild moderate and complex cases. The treatment cost of Invisalign also depends on the same.

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